Thursday, July 30, 2009

Doa Untuk Ayah


Sahabatku. Lihatlah senyum anak kita disaat ia tidur? Wajah yang mungil, lekuk dan garis wajahnya yang indah itu begitu membahagiakan kita saat memandangnya.

Sahabatku. Saat pagi menjelang, wajah siapakah yang pertama kali akan kau lihat, kau cium dengan lembut? Anakmu kah?

Sahabatku. Sebagai seorang ayah, pernahkah kita mampu memberinya penjelasan mengapa waktu yang kita luangkan begitu sedikit untuknya? Dan tahukah sahabat mengapa ia tidak pernah sekalipun menanyakan hal itu kepada kita? Sadarkah kita bahwa dia begitu percaya, dan yakin bahwa Ayahnya pergi meninggalkan dia untuk memastikan bahwa kita, Ayahnya sedang menyiapkan masa depan yang terbaik baginya kelak. Dia percaya bahwa kita bekerja begitu keras untuk masa depan dirinya. Sudahkah kita mengupayakannya dengan usaha terbaik kita?

Sahabatku. Sudahkah kita sebagai seorang Ayah menjawab kepercayaanya itu?

1,2 tahun berlalu. Hingga kini ia sudah menginjak usia ke 5. Adakah janji di dalam rencana kita untuknya yang telah kita penuhi? Ataukah lebih banyak yang tertunda?

Sahabatku. Dia tidak pernah meminta apapun kepada kita, karena dia percaya bahwa kedua orangtuanya senantiasa akan memelihara dan membantu dirinya untuk mewujudkan mimpi-mimpinya kelak. Dia percaya seperti halnya kita percaya dulu kepada kedua orangtua kita. Kini, sudahkah kita memenuhi doa dan harapannya itu? Jika belum, rencana super dan hebat apa yang akan kita upayakan agar mimpi untuk membesarkan dia (anak-anak kita) dengan layak bisa terpenuhi.

Sahabatku. Selalu ada janji baik dari Alloh yang Maha Mengabulkan Doa bagi kita, hamba-hambanya yang senantiasa berusaha dan bersabar. Bukanlah hebatnya rencana yang membuat mimpi kita yang BESAR itu di aminkan oleh Alloh ar-Rohmaan melainkan BESARnya dan HEBATnya USAHA kita. TINDAKAN kitalah yang akan menjadikan kita dinilai menjadi PANTAS untuk mendapatkan semua MIMPI BESAR itu. Maka YAKINlah bahwa semua USAHA kita PASTI menghasilkan. Apakah BESAR atau kecil serahkan kepada Dia yang Maha Tahu Kebutuhan Kita.

Don't Think, Just Do It

Salam dan Senyum,
YM: masgagah80

Friday, July 24, 2009

Flu Babi di Dalam Vaksin Flu

Did WHO made AIDS Virus?

by William Campbell Douglas, M.D.
from HealingTools Website

There is no question mark after the title of this article because the title is not a question. It's a declarative statement. WHO, the World Health Organization, murdered Africa with the AIDS virus. That's a provocative statement, isn't it?

The answers to this little mystery, Murder on the WHO Express, will be quite clear to you by the end of this report. You will also understand why the other suspects, the homosexuals, the green monkey an the Haitians, were only pawns in this virocidal attack on the non-Communist world. If you believe the government propaganda that AIDS is hard to catch then you are going to die even sooner than the rest of us. The common cold is a virus. Have you ever had a cold? How did you catch it? You don't really know, do you? If the cold virus were fatal how many people would there be left in the world?

Yellow fever is a virus. You catch it from mosquito bites. Malaria is a parasite also carried by mosquitoes. It is many times larger than the AIDS virus (like comparing a pinhead to a moose head) yet the mosquito easily carries this large organism to man.

The tuberculosis germ, also, much larger than the AIDS virus, can be transmitted by fomites (inanimate objects such as towels). The AIDS virus can live for as long as 10 days on a dry plate. You can't understand this murder mystery unless you learn a little virology.

Many viruses grow in animals and many grow in humans, but most of the viruses that affect animals don't affect humans. There are exceptions, of course, such as yellow fever and small pox.

There are some viruses in animals that cause very lethal cancer in those animals, but do not affect man or other animals. The bovine leukemia virus (BLV), for example, is lethal to cows but not humans. There is another virus that occurs in sheep called sheep visna virus which is also non-reactive in man. These deadly viruses are "retro viruses" meaning that they can change the genetic composition of cells that they enter.

The World Health Organization, in published articles, called for scientists to work with these deadly agents and attempt to make a hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans:
"And attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus."
That's AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is,
"Let's cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency."
Why would anyone want to do this? If you destroy the T-cell system of man you destroy man. Is it even remotely possible that the World Health Organization would want to develop a virus that would wipe out the human race?

If their new virus creation worked, the WHO stated, then many terrible and fatal infectious viruses could be made even more terrible and more malignant. Does this strike you as being a peculiar goal for a health organization?

Sometimes Americans believe in conspiracies and sometimes they don't. Was there a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy? Twenty-five years later the debate still continues, and people keep changing their minds. One day it's yes, the next day it's no-depending on what was served for breakfast or how the stock market did the day before.

But it doesn't take a bad breakfast to see an amazing concatenation of events involving Russian and Chinese communist nationals, the World Health Organization, the National Cancer Institute and the AIDS pandemic.

But what about the green monkey? Some of the best virologist in the world and many of those directly involved in AIDS research, such as Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier, have said that the green monkey may be the culprit. You know the story: A green monkey bit a native on the ass and, bam-AIDS all over central Africa.

There is a fatal flaw here. It is very strange. Because Gallo, Montagnier and these other virologists know that the AIDS virus doesn't occur naturally in monkeys. In fact it doesn't occur naturally in any animal.

AIDS started practically simultaneously in the United States, Haiti, Brazil, and Central Africa. (Was the green monkey a jet pilot?) Examination of the gene structure of the green monkey cells proves that it is not genetically possible to transfer the AIDS virus from monkeys to man by natural means. Because of the artificial nature of the AIDS virus it will not easily transfer from man to man until it has become very concentrated in the body fluids through repeated injections from person to person, such as drug addicts, and through high multiple partner sexual activity such as that which takes place in Africa and among homosexuals. After repeated transfer it can become an "natural" infection for man, which it has.

Dr. Theodore Strecker's research of the literature indicates that the National Cancer Institute in collaboration with the World Health Organization made the AIDS virus in their laboratories at Fort Detrick (now NCI). They combined the deadly retroviruses, bovine leukemia virus and sheep visna virus, and injected them into human tissue cultures. The result was the AIDS virus, the first human retrovirus known to man and now believed to be 100 percent fatal to those infected.

The momentous plague that we now face was anticipated by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 1974 when they recommended that,
"Scientists throughout the world join with the members of this committee in voluntarily deferring experiments (linking) animal viruses."
What the NAS is saying in carefully guarded English is: "For God's sake, stop this madness!"

The green monkey is off the hook. How about the Communists? Communists are in the process of conducting germ warfare from Fort Detrick, Maryland against the free world, especially the United States, even using foreign communist agents within the United States Army's germ warfare unit euphemistically called the Army Infectious Disease Unit. You don't believe it?

Carlton Gajdusek, and NIH bigshot at Detrick admits it:
Can you imagine that? A UN-WHO communist trojan horse in our biological warfare center with the full blessing of the U.S. government? The creation of the AIDS virus by the WHO was not just a diabolical scientific exercise that got out of hand. It was a cold-blooded successful attempt to create a killer virus which was then used in a successful experiment in Africa. So successful in fact that most of central Africa may be wiped out, 75,000,000 dead within 3-5 years.

It was not an accident. It was deliberate. In the Federation Proceedings of the United States in 1972, WHO said:
"In the relation to the immune response a number of useful experimental approaches can be visualized."
They suggested that a neat way to do this would be to put their new killer virus (AIDS) into a vaccination program, sit back and observe the results.
"This would be particularly informative in sibships," they said.
That is, give the AIDS virus to brothers and sisters and see if they die, who dies first, and of what, just like using rats in a laboratory.

They used smallpox vaccine for their vehicle and the geographical sites chosen in 1972 were Uganda and other African states, Haiti, Brazil and Japan. The present or recent past of AIDS epidemiology coincides with these geographical areas.

Dr. Strecker points out that even if the African green monkey could transmit AIDS to humans, the present known amount of infection in Africa makes it statistically impossible for a single episode, such as a monkey biting someone, to have brought this epidemic to this point. The doubling time of the number of people infected, about every 14 months, when correlated with the first known case, and the present known number of cases, prove beyond a doubt that a large number of people had to have been infected at the same time.

Starting in 1972 with the first case from our mythical monkey and doubling the number infected from that single source every 14 months you get only a few thousand cases. From 1972 to 1987 is 15 years or 180 months. If it takes 14 months to double the number of cases then there would have been 13 doublings, 1 then 2, then 4, then 8, etc. In 15 years, from a single source of infection there would be about 8,000 cases in Africa, not 75 million AIDS infected people. We are approaching World War II mortality statistics here - without a shot being fired.

Dr. Theodore A. Strecker is the courageous doctor who unraveled this conundrum, the greatest murder mystery of all time. He should get the Nobel prize but he'll be lucky not to get "suicided."
("Prominent California doctor ties his hands behind his back, hangs himself, and jumps from 20th floor. There was no evidence of foul play.")
Strecker was employed as a consultant to work on a health proposal for Security Pacific Bank. He was to estimate the cost of their health care for the future. Should they form a health maintenance organization? (HMO) was a major issue. After investigating the current medical market he advised against the HMO because he found that the AIDS epidemic will in all probability bankrupt the nation's medical system.

He became fascinated with all the peculiar scientific anomalies concerning AIDS that kept cropping up.
• Why did the "experts" keep talking about green monkeys and homosexuals being the culprits when it was obvious that the AIDS virus was a man-made virus?
• Why did they say that it was a homosexual and drug-user disease when in Africa it was obviously a heterosexual disease?
• If the green monkey did it, then why did AIDS explode practically simultaneously in Africa, Haiti, Brazil, the United States and southern Japan?
• Why, when it was proposed to the National Institute of Health that the AIDS virus was a combination of two bovine or sheep viruses cultured in human cells in a laboratory, did they say it was "bad science" when that's exactly what occurred?
As early as 1970 the World Health Organization was growing these deadly animal viruses in human tissue cultures. Cedric Mims, in 1981, said in a published article that there was a bovine virus contaminating the culture media of the WHO. Was this an accident or a "non-accident"? If it was an accident why did WHO continue to use the vaccine?

This viral and genetic death bomb, AIDS, was finally produced in 1974. It was given to monkeys and they died of pneumocystis carni which is typical of AIDS.

Dr. R. J. Biggar said in Lancet.
"...The AIDS agent... could not have originated de novo."
That means in plain English that it didn't come out of thin air. AIDS was engineered in a laboratory by virologist. It couldn't engineer itself. As Doctor Strecker so colorfully puts it:
"If a person has no arms or legs and shows up at a party in a tuxedo, how did he get dressed? Somebody dressed him."
There are 9,000 to the fourth power possible AIDS viruses. (There are 9,000 base pairs on the genome.) So the fun has just begun. Some will cause brain rot similar to the sheep virus, some leukemia-like diseases from the cow virus and some that won't do anything. So the virus will be constantly changing and trying out new esoteric diseases on hapless man. We're only at the beginning. Because of the trillions of possible genetic combinations there will never be a vaccine. Even if they could develop a vaccine they would undoubtedly give us something equally bad as they did with the polio vaccine (cancer of the brain), the swine flu vaccine (a polio-like disease), the smallpox vaccine (AIDS), and the hepatitis vaccine (AIDS).

There are precedents. This is not the first time the virologist have brought us disaster. SV-40 virus from monkey cell cultures contaminated polio cultures. Most people in their 40's are now carrying this virus through contaminated polio inoculations given in the early 60's. It is known to cause brain cancer which explains the increase in this disease that we have seen in the past ten years.

This is the origin of the green monkey theory. The polio vaccine was grown on green monkey kidney cells. Sixty-four million Americans were vaccinated with SV-40-contaminated vaccine in the 60's. An increase in cancer of the brain, possibly multiple sclerosis, and God only knows what else is the tragic result. The delay between vaccination and the onset of cancer with this virus is as long as 20-30 years. 1965 plus 20 equals 1985. Get the picture?

The final piece of the puzzle is how AIDS devastated the homosexual population in the United States. It wasn't from smallpox vaccination as in Africa because we don't do that any more. There is no smallpox in the United States and so vaccination was discontinued.

Although some AIDS has been brought to the United States from Haiti by homosexuals, it would not be enough to explain the explosion of AIDS that occurred simultaneously with the African and Haitian epidemics.

The AIDS virus didn't exist in the United States before 1978. You can check back in any hospital and no stored blood samples can be found anywhere that exhibit the AIDS virus before that date.

What happened in 1978 and beyond to cause AIDS to burst upon the scene and devastate the homosexual segment of our population? It was the introduction of the hepatitis B vaccine which exhibits the exact epidemiology of AIDS.

A Doctor W. Szmuness, born in Poland and educated in Russia, came to this country in 1969 - Szmuness's immigration to the U.S. was probably the most fateful immigration in our history. He, by unexplained process, became head of the New York City blood bank. (How does a Russian trained doctor become head of one of the largest blood banks in the world? Doesn't that strike you as peculiar?)

He set up the rules for the hepatitis vaccine studies. Only males between the ages of 20 and 40, who were not monogamous, would be allowed to participate in this study. Can you think of any reason for insisting that all experimentees be promiscuous? Maybe you don't believe in the communist conspiracy theory but give me some other logical explanation. Szmuness is now dead and his diabolical secret went with him.

The Centers for Disease Control reported in 1981 that four percent of those receiving the hepatitis-vaccine were AIDS-infected. In 1984 they admitted to 60 percent. Now they refuse to give out figures at all because they don't want to admit that 100 percent of hepatitis vaccine receivers are infected with AIDS.

Where is the data on the hepatitis vaccine studies? FDA? CDC? No, the U.S Department of Justice has it buried where you will never see it. What has the government told us about AIDS?
• It's a homosexual disease-WRONG. (The homosexuals certainly spread it but the primary responsibility wasn't theirs.)
• It's related to anal intercourse only-WRONG.
• Only a small percentage of those testing positive for AIDS would get the disease-WRONG.
• It came from the African green-back monkey-WRONG.
• It came from the cytomegalovirus-WRONG.
• It was due to popping amyl nitrate with sex-WRONG.
• It was started 400 years ago by the Portuguese-WRONG. (It started in 1972.)
• You can't get it from insects-WRONG.
• The virus can't live outside the body-WRONG.
The head of the Human leukemia Research Group at Harvard is a veterinarian. Dr. O. W. Judd, International Agency for Research on Cancer, the agency that requested the production of the virus in the first place, is also a veterinarian. The leukemia research he is conducting is being done under the auspices of a school of veterinary medicine.

Now there is nothing wrong with being a vet but, as we have pointed out, the AIDS virus is a human virus. You can't test viruses in animals and you can't test leukemias in them either. It doesn't work. So why would your government give Judd, a veterinarian, eight and one-half million dollars to study leukemia in a veterinary college? As long as we are being used as experimental animals maybe it's appropriate.

The London Times should be congratulated for uncovering the smallpox-AIDS connection. But their expose was very misleading. The article states that the African AIDS epidemic was caused by the smallpox vaccine "triggering" AIDS in those vaccinated.

Dr. Robert Gallo, who has been mixed up in some very strange scientific snafus, supports this theory. Whether the infection of 75 million Africans was deliberate or accidental can be debated but there is no room for debate about whether the smallpox shots; "awakened the unsuspected virus infection." There is absolutely no scientific evidence that this laboratory-engineered virus was present in Africa before the World Health Organization descended upon these hapless people in 1967 with their deadly AIDS-laced vaccine. The AIDS virus didn't come from Africa. It came from Fort Detrick, Maryland, U.S.A.

The situation is extremely desperate and the medical profession is too frightened and cowed (as usual) to take any action. Dr. Strecker attempted to mobilize the doctors through some of the most respected medical journals in the world. The prestigious Annals of Internal Medicine said that his material "appears to be entirely concerned with matters of virology" and so try some other publication.

In his letter to The Annals Strecker said,
"If correct human experimental procedures had been followed we would not find half of the world stumbling off on the wrong path to the cure for AIDS with the other half of the world covering up the origination of the damned disease. It appears to me that your Annals of Internal Medicine is participating in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated."
I guess they didn't like that so Strecker submitted his sensational and mind-boggling letter with all of the proper documentation to the British journal, Lancet. Their reply:
"Thank you for that interesting letter on AIDS. I am sorry to have to report that we will not be able to publish it. We have no criticism" but their letter was "overcrowded with submissions."
They're too crowded to announce the end of western civilization and possibly all mankind? It doesn't seem reasonable. What can we do? The first thing that should be done is close down all laboratories in this country that are dealing with these deadly retroviruses. Then we must sort out the insane irresponsible and traitorous scientists involved in these experiments and try them for murder.

Then maybe, just maybe, we can re-staff the laboratories with loyal Americans who will work to save a remnant of people to repopulate and re-civilize the world.

1. Allison, et al, Bull WHO 1972. 47:257-63 and Amos, et al. Fed Proc. 1972, 31:1087
2. Omni Magazine, March. 1986, p. 106.
3. Jan. 11, 1986. [???]
4. London Times Front page, May 11, 1987.

Vaksin Pembunuh Massal

by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.
Spanish version
Extracts from Medical Mafia by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.
November 14, 2005
from EducateYourSelf Website

Why this lethal relentlessness?

What is the objective of the world authorities in destroying people's health, both in industrialized countries and in the Third World?

It is always difficult to presume the intentions of others, particularly when one is not close to them. And this is true in this instance. But there are certainly advantages for someone, somewhere, to so doggedly keep-up the campaign for vaccinations, by any and all means possible.

They must profit someone, somewhere. One thing is certain. It is not to our advantage. In order to determine what these advantages are, and for whom, let us stop and look at the CONSEQUENCES of these massive vaccination programs and draw our own conclusions.

1. Vaccination is expensive and represents a cost of one billion dollars annually. It therefore benefits the industry; most notably, the multinational manufacturers. One sells the vaccines. The other then provides the arsenal of medications to respond to the numerous complications that follow. Their profits increase while our expenses go through the roof.

To the point where we have simply had it up to here and are ready to accept the unacceptable, such as socialized medicine in the United States, for example.


2. Vaccination stimulates the immune system, the body's defense mechanism. Repeated, vaccination exhausts the immune system. It gives a false sense of security and, in doing so, it opens the door wide to all kinds of illnesses. Notably, to those related to AIDS, which can only develop on ripe ground, where the immune system has been disturbed.

It causes AIDS to explode. It ensures that the illness flourishes perpetually.

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3. Vaccination leads to social violence and crime. What better way to destabilize a country than to disarm its inhabitants, and reinforce police and military control? The authorities subtly create situations of panic and fear among the population which, in turn, necessitate the reinforcement of protection measures", including forbidding citizens from owning weapons.

The authorities then come across as saviors and strengthen their control. It is certain that, in order to impose a single world army, one must first disarm the citizens of every country. One must therefore create violence, if they are to achieve this disarmament, particularly in the United States where the right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution.

4. Vaccination encourages medical dependence and reinforces belief in the inefficiency of the body. It creates people who need permanent assistance. It replaces the confidence one has in oneself with a blind confidence in others, outside ourselves. It leads to loss of personal dignity, in addition to making us financially dependent. It draws us into the vicious circle of sickness (fear - poverty - submission) and, in this way, ensures the submission of the herd so as to better dominate and exploit it.

And then lead them to the abattoir. To slaughter. Vaccination also encourages the moral and financial dependence of Third World countries. It perpetuates the social and economic control of Western countries over them.

5. Vaccination camouflages the real socio-political problems of poverty of some due to exploitation by others, and results in techno-scientific pseudo-solutions that are so complicated and vaccination diverts funds which should be used to help improve living conditions, and channels them into the banks of the multinationals. It is so sophisticated that patients cannot understand. In addition, the gap widens between the dominant rich and the exploited poor.

6. Vaccination decimates populations. Drastically in Third World countries. Chronically in industrialized countries. In this regard, Robert McNamara, the former President of the World Bank, former Secretary of State in the United States, who ordered massive bombing of Vietnam, and a member of the Expanded Program on Immunization, made some very interesting remarks.

As reported by a French publication, "j'ai tout compris", he was quoted as stating:

• "One must take draconian measures of demographic reduction against the will of the populations. Reducing the birth rate has proved to be impossible or insufficient. One must therefore increase the mortality rate. How? By natural means. Famine and sickness." (Translation)

7. Vaccination enables the selection of populations to be decimated. It facilitates targeted genocide. It permits one to kill people of a certain race, a certain group, a certain country.

And to leave others untouched. In the name of health and well-being, of course.

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Take Africa, for example. We have witnessed the almost total disappearance of certain groups. Some 50% dead, estimate the most optimistic. Some 70% dead, according to the less optimistic. As if by chance, many were in the same region, such as Zaire, Uganda, the extreme south of the Sudan. In 1967, at Marburg in Germany, seven researchers, working with green African monkeys, died of an unknown hemorrhagic fever.

In 1969, also by chance, the same sick-ness killed one thousand people in Uganda. In 1976, a new unknown hemorrhagic fever killed in the south of Sudan. Then in Zaire. It is noteworthy that since l968, virologists (virus specialists) have installed their sophisticated equipment in certain hospitals in Zaire. At a CIA hearing, Dr. Gotlieb, a cancerologist, admitted having dispersed, in 1960, a large quantity of viruses in the Congo River (in Zaire) to pollute it and contaminate all the people who used the river as their source of water. Dr. Gotlieb was named to head up the National Cancer Institute!

A couple of years ago, Reuters reported:

• "An illness similar to AIDS has killed 60,000 in the south of Sudan. They call the illness, the killer. Families, whole villages, have disappeared. This illness, the Kalaazar, takes the form of a fever and loss of weight. The symptoms are the same as those of AIDS. The immune system is deficient and one dies of other infections."

It is obvious that Africa, particularly those countries in the center and to the south, contain fabulous resources that have always incited westerners to crush their inhabitants to take over their riches. And beware anyone who stands in their way. The colonies have disappeared. But not colonialism.

8. Vaccination serves as a form of experimentation, to test new products on a great sampling of a population. Under the guise of health and the well-being of the population, people are vaccinated against a pseudo-epidemic with products that one wants to study. The vaccine of hepatitis B seems to be the choice of authorities to accomplish this goal. Yet, this vaccine is manufactured by a process of genetic manipulation. And it is much more dangerous than the traditional vaccine because it inoculates into the body cells that are foreign to its genetic code.

Moreover; this vaccine is produced from virus cultivated on the ovaries of Chinese hamsters. One can only imagine what future generations will look like! But there is more. It is also reported to cause cancer of the liver. Despite all that, it enjoys great popularity among the authorities, who impose it first on all those who work in the health field, and then on the rest of the population.

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In 1986, the medical authorities administered the vaccine against hepatitis B to Native Indian children in Alaska, without any explanation or the consent of their parents. Many children fell ill. And several died. It seems there was a virus called RSV (Rous Sarcoma Virus) in the vaccine. American Indian tribes have been subjected to many vaccinations. Let us be aware that they are difficult to beat into submission, and they own vast tracts of land which the authorities would like to have for their own benefit.

Recently when I met a group of Native women to chat about health with them, the subject of vaccinations cropped up. I was giving them some information on the topic when, suddenly, the group's nurse confided in me that the federal government had given her complete freedom in the management of their health, but on one strict condition. That every vaccination had to be scrupulously applied to all. The silence was deafening. We all understood.

In 1988, the Ambassador of Senegal gave a radio interview reporting on the ravages of AIDS in his country where entire villages were being decimated. A few years earlier, scientific and medical teams had come to vaccinate their inhabitants against hepatitis B.

In 1978, a new vaccine was tested on homosexuals in New York.

And in 1980, on those in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, and St Louis. Officially, this "new vaccine" was against hepatitis B and, as we now know, it caused many of them to die from AIDS. It sounded the "official" beginning of the AIDS epidemic in 1981. The vaccination program of homosexuals against hepatitis B was led by Saint W.H.O. and the National Institute of Health.

There are reports of collaboration between these two organizations in 1970 to study the consequences of certain viruses and bacteria introduced to children during vaccination campaigns.

In 1972, they transformed this study to focus on the viruses which provoked a drop in the immune mechanism. Wolf Szmuness directed the anti-hepatitis B experiments undertaken in New York. He had very close links with the Blood Center where he had his laboratory, the National Institute of Health, the National Cancer Institute, the FDA., the W.H.O., and the Schools of Public Health of Cornell, Yale, and Harvard. In 1994 a vast vaccination campaign against hepatitis B was undertaken in Canada. It is both useless, dangerous and costly.

And what for? Is there a hidden agenda?

I note that the Province of Quebec is a particular target, over the course of three years.

i. 1992: vaccination against meningitis
ii. 1993: re-vaccination against meningitis
iii. 1994: vaccination against hepatitis B.

I was there in 1993. It troubled me to see that it was aimed at a whole generation (1 to 20 years), in only one province. Since when do viruses respect borders, and specially provincial ones at that?

The facts are:
o There was no epidemic, nor risk of one.
o Epidemiologists confirmed it.
o Three different vaccines were administered, each in a designated area.
o Certain nurses were selected and trained to administer a special vaccine.
o All children were entered into a computerized data bank.
The pressure to vaccinate the children was enormous:
o Schools were turned into clinics.
o Those who did not want to be vaccinated were pointed out and treated as social outcasts.
o Nurses chased down parents at home who did not want their children vaccinated.
o I had a direct account of one of these kids.
o The mother did not want her child vaccinated.
o The nurse who came to the house made her believe that it was compulsory.
o The mother gave in... the child is now handicapped: physically and mentally (paralyzed spastic).
The vaccination cost $30 million. Why was there such a murderous will?

Like Native peoples, the people of Quebec are also a "bother". They believe in their cultural identity and in sovereignty. What is more, Quebec with its Native territories, encompasses huge reservoirs of water which many a multinational have their eyes on. As an acquaintance of mine who sits on the California water management board said, "Water today is gold." Could one think of a more appropriate biological weapon to possibly remove any impediments to accessing that resource?

9. Vaccinations permit epidemiological studies of populations to collect data on the resistance of different ethnic groups to different illnesses. It permits one to study the reactions of the immune systems of large numbers of the population to an antigen (virus, microbe) injected by vaccination. Should it be within the framework of the fight against an existing illness, or one that has been provoked.

In 1987, certain American laboratories and the Department of Biotechnology of India signed an agreement authorizing the testing of genetically manufactured vaccines on the people of India. This agreement was met with fierce opposition because it gave access to epidemiological and immunity profiles of a population. This data is extremely important from a military standpoint. It is even more valuable because India has never experienced yellow fever.

And, at time of writing this book, it had known only a handful of cases of AIDS. Over and above all that, the private American laboratories proposed to test products on the Indian population for which they had no right to test in the United States! And the Indian authorities acquiesced!

10. Vaccination is a biological weapon at the service of biological warfare. It permits the targeting of people of a certain race, and leaves the others who are close by more or less untouched. It makes it possible to intervene in the hereditary lineage of anyone selected. A new specialty is born. Genetic engineering. It is flourishing, enjoys much prestige, and is receiving substantial research hinds. The challenge is staggering.

To find a vaccine which gives an illness against which we already have the vaccine! In this way, we would be able to send in troops who have already been vaccinated against the killer vaccine, which they would then spread among the enemy. It is absolutely crazy and insane! Meanwhile, industrial theft is in full swing. Captain and biologist of the US Navy at Fort Detrick, Neil Levitt, reported the disappearance of 2.35 liters of an experimental vaccine. A dose sufficient to contaminate the entire world.

Fort Detrick is a research laboratory which manufactures vaccines. It is located quite close to Washington, in Maryland, and it is attached to the National Cancer Institute at Bethesda, a suburb of the capital. It is hardly astonishing that, in every major vaccination campaign, one finds the same tangled web. Government, the military, Saint W.H.O., financiers, researchers, laboratories, universities, the CIA, and the World Bank.

Let us not lose sight of the fact that: In the name of the defense of our countries, we manufacture the most murderous of weapons. War; whether it be biological or not, is war. And weapons kill. Biological warfare is a giant business, largely financed BY OUR FUNDS, through the medium of the military, research, and our donations. It is also financed, and without our knowledge, BY OUR LIVES. Those of our children and of millions of innocents who have been sacrificed.

It is we, those who live in the Western world, who are responsible for all the illnesses and acts of genocide in the world. By our acceptance of vaccinations, both at home and abroad.

. http //
i. http //
ii. http //
v. http //

Karin Schumacher
Vaccine Information and Awareness
12799 La Tortola
San Diego, CA 92129
619-339-5498 (voicemail)
619-484-1187 (fax) (email) (website)

Aliyah Zaharani Putri

Aliyah Zaharani Putri